Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation on balancing pricing methodology and elastic demand
Energy markets
EFET presentation on Co-optimisation EBSG
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation for aFRR procurement (ALPACA)
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E survey on harmonisation of terms and conditions related to the aFRR, mFRR and IN Platforms
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E survey on the RR platform number of clearings
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on the harmonised cross-zonal capacity allocation and RCC sizing and procurement methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation on the regional sizing and procurement of reserve and balancing capacity
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation on the Cross-zonal Capacity Allocation Harmonised Methodology
Energy markets
EFET objection to the suspension of competitive tenders for secondary reserves (aFRR) capacity in France
Energy markets
EFET response on the derogations related to the participation of RTE in MARI and PICASSO
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on the implementation framework of the European balancing platforms
Energy markets
EFET response to Nordic TSOs proposal for a market-based allocation process for cross zonal balancing capacity
Energy markets
EFET response to all RR TSOs' consultation on second RRIF amendment
Energy markets
EFET concerns regarding balancing market fees charged by IPTO to traders
Energy markets
EFET letter on suspension of aFRR auctions in France
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the EU electricity balancing pricing methodology
Energy markets
EFET reaction on risks to market operations from amendments to balancing market charges in Serbia
Energy markets
EFET comments to the Polish balancing market consultation
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSOE consultation on balancing price limits
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSOE consultation on FCR amendments
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on methodologies for the exchange of balancing capacity Hansa Core and Baltic
Energy markets
EFET response to Nordic TSOs' proposal on ramping restricitons
Energy markets
EFET response to Elia consultation on scarcity pricing in Belgium
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSOE consultation on all RR TSOs' consultation on amended RRIF
Energy markets
EFET response to Elia consultation on DA Balance Obligation of BRPs
Energy markets
EFET response to CNMC consultation on terms and conditions related to balancing
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation on Nordic TSOs' proposal for ramping restrictions (amended)
Energy markets
EFET letter to CRE and RTE on the reform of the French imbalance price (removal of the k factor)
Energy markets
EFET response to ARERA Decision on electricity imbalance prices
Energy markets
EFET response to REE consultation on balancing terms and conditions
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the TSOs methodology for imbalance settlement harmonisation
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the TSOs methodology for activation purposes of balancing energy bids
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the TSOs proposal of a methodology for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves via co-optimisation (art. 40 EBGL)
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the TSOs proposal of a list of standard products for balancing capacity for FRR and RR (art. 25.2 EBGL)
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACM consultation on the Hansa TSOs proposal of a market-based method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACM consultation on the CORE TSOs proposal of a market-based method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACM consultation on the CORE TSOs proposal of an economic efficiency method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the TSOs methodology for balancing energy pricing
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the TSOs methodology for the aFRR implementation framework
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the TSOs methodology for the mFRR implementation framework
Energy markets
EFET response to the Italy North TSOs consultation on an economic efficiency method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the Greece-Italy (GRIT) TSOs consultation on an economic efficiency method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the Italy North TSOs consultation on a market-based method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the Greece-Italy (GRIT) TSOs consultation on a market-based method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the Hansa TSOs consultation on a market-based method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the CORE TSOs consultation on a economic efficiency method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the CORE TSOs consultation on a market-based method for the reservation of cross-zonal capacity for balancing purposes
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on a list of standard products for balancing capacity for FRR and RR
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on a methodology for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves
Energy markets
EFET response to the RTE consultation on the reform of French balancing rules (MA-RE v.9.1) - imbalance price and k coefficient
Energy markets
EFET letter to CRE on the evolution of balancing mechanisms at European level and in France
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACM consultation on the TSOs proposal for the harmonisation of imbalance settlement
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACM consultation on the TSOs proposal on the implementation framework for the exchange of mFRR (MARI)
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACM consultation on the TSOs proposal for the harmonisation of balancing energy pricing
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on a methodology for the pricing of balancing energy
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on a methodology for the classification of activation purposes of balancing energy bids
Energy markets
EFET response to the RTE consultation on the reform of balancing rules (RE-MA v.9)
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on a methodology for the harmonisation of imbalance settlement
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on the implementation framework for the exchange of balancing energy from aFRR (PICASSO)
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on the implementation framework for the exchange of balancing energy from mFRR (MARI)
Energy markets
Joint EFET, eurelectric, MPP statement on the implementation of daily auctions for the FCR cooperation
Energy markets
EFET response to the RTE consultation on the reform of balancing rules (MA-RE v.9)
Energy markets
EFET response to Terna's consultation on the pilot project for the qualification to MSD of relevant units
Energy markets
EFET response to the consultation on a pilot project for the qualification to MSD of relevant production units
Energy markets
EFET response to TSOs consultation on the TERRE platform (replacement reserves)
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on the European platform for imbalance netting
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on the reform of the FCR cooperation
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on the PICASSO project (automatic FRR)
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on the MARI project (manual FRR)
Energy markets
EFET letter to Terna on the publication of imbalance data closer to real time
Energy markets
Has the dream of electricity balancing reform in France died again?
Energy markets
EFET response to the TERRE consultation (replacement reserves)
Energy markets
EFET response to Terna's consultation-Pilot project distributed generation access to MSD
Energy markets
EFET response to AEEGSI consultation n. 277/2017 on the review of the electricity imbalance regime
Energy markets
EFET comment on the draft Electricity Balancing Guideline (March 2017 comitology version)
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on the French electricity balancing reform roadmap
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to AEEGSI DCO on further adjustments to the electricity imbalance settlement framework
Energy markets
EFET comments on the EXPLORE project report (frequency restoration reserves)
Energy markets
EFET comments on the draft Electricity Balancing Guideline (October 2016 comitology version)
Energy markets
EFET comment on the draft Emergency and Restoration network code (October 2016 comitology version)
Energy markets
TF Italy response to AEEGSI consultation on the MSD reform
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to AEEGSI consultation on the review of the electricity imbalance price scheme
Energy markets
EFET comments on the draft Electricity Balancing Guideline (June 2016 comitology draft)
Energy markets
EFET response to the ENTSO-E consultation on the TERRE project (Replacement Reserves)
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to AEEGSI dco n. 623/2015 on electricity imbalance settlements 2012-2014
Energy markets
EFET response to RTE consultation on the participation of French primary reserves to the CWE FCR cooperation
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to AEEGSI consultation on electricity imbalance settlements 2012-2015
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on the introduction of 30-minute cross-border intraday access and products at the French-German and French-Swiss borders
Energy markets
EFET letter to ENTSO-E on stakeholder engagement in the balancing pilot projects
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to AEEGSI consultation n. 163-15 on the review of the imbalance price mechanism
Energy markets
EFET comments on the draft Electricity Balancing Network Code
Energy markets
EFET response to the RTE consultation on the rules for financial guarantees for the balancing mechanism
Energy markets
EFET comments on the draft Electricity Balancing Network Code
Energy markets
EFET response to the AEEG consultation on the electricity balancing regime
Energy markets
EFET comments on the draft Electricity Balancing Network Code
Energy markets
EFET comments to ACER on the draft LFCR and Electricity Balancing network codes
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation on the draft LFCR NC
Energy markets
EFET comments on the System Operation Network Code
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the Framework Guidelines for electricity balancing
Member Companies