Forward markets
Energy markets
Response to RTE on Yearly auctions
Energy markets
Response to the Baltic TSOs on the long-term capacity calculation methodology
Energy markets
Response to the TSO's consultation on amendments to the Southeast Europe Capacity Calculation Methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to the ENTSO-E consultation on amendments to the splitting rules for long-term cross zonal capacity at the Italy North borders
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consulation on harmonised allocation rules for long-term electricity transmission rights
Energy markets
EFET response to TSOs consultation on amendments to the EU HAR for long-term transmission rights (collateral requirements)
Energy markets
EFET reaction to new TSO amendments to the HAR for long-term transmission rights
Energy markets
EFET Response to ENTSO-E consultation on the HAR for long-term transmission rights
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on Flow based capacity calculation and allocation amendments
Energy markets
EFET supports maximization of capacity allocation and market-based splitting
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER-CEER consultation on forward markets
Energy markets
EFET response to JAO consultation on LTFBA bid prioritisation
Energy markets
EFET response to the consultation on IFA and IFA2 Splitting Rules Methodology
Energy markets
EFET reaction to the reduction of cross-border electricity transmission capacities to zero at the Greek borders
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on risk hedging between Sweden and Finland
Energy markets
EFET response to the Baltic TSOs consultation on the design of forward transmission rights
Energy markets
EFET response to the long-term auction proposal by National Grid on the IFA and IFA 2 Interconnector
Energy markets
EFET response to ElecLink consultation on Splitting Rules for the allocation of long-term capacity
Energy markets
EFET response to NVE-RME consultation on price hedging in the Nordics
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on LTTR remuneration
Energy markets
EFET and Eurelectric joint response to the ACER consultation on Core LT CCM
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation on LTTRs remuneration rules and Core and GRIT Annexes
Energy markets
EFET response to the ENTSO-E survey on a block bids approach to year-ahead LTTR allocation
Energy markets
EFET response to MIBEL consultation on liquidity in forward markets in Iberia
Energy markets
EFET response to Thema questionnaire on Nordic hedging
Energy markets
EFET response to the Core TSOs consultation on a long-term capacity calculation methodology (Core LT CCM)
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on SEE methodology for splitting long-term cross-zonal capacity
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on LT capacity calculation methodology for Baltic CCR
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on FCA FRCM
Energy markets
EFET response to Terna consultation on CCC
Energy markets
EFET response to the Italy North TSOs consultation on splitting long-term cross-zonal capacity
Energy markets
EFET response to the Italy North TSOs consultation on a forward capacity calculation methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E consultation on proposed switch from PTRs to FTR options in Core CCR
Energy markets
EFET-MPP response to the ACM consultation on the CORE TSOs' proposal of forward capacity splitting rules
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the EU HAR (flexible reduction periods, remuneration of LTTRs)
Energy markets
EFET response to the SEE TSOs consultation on a forward capacity calculation methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to the SEE TSOs consultation on capacity splitting rules in the forward timeframe
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on the design of transmission rights in the CORE region (switch to FTRs)
Energy markets
EFET response to Terna CGES consultation on Italy-Montenegro allocation rules
Energy markets
EFET-MPP response to the CORE TSOs consultation on long-term capacity splitting rules
Energy markets
EFET-MPP response to the CORE TSOs consultation on a forward capacity calculation methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on the review of the EU Harmonised Allocation Rules (incl. CORE and Hansa annexes)
Energy markets
EFET response to the Hansa TSOs consultation on capacity splitting rules in the forward timeframe
Energy markets
EFET response to the Hansa TSOs consultation on the forward capacity calculation methodology proposal
Energy markets
EFET response to the Hansa TSOs consultation on the design of forward transmission rights
Energy markets
EFET response to the SWE TSOs consultation on long-term cross-zonal capacity splitting methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to the TSOs consultation on Channel Splitting Rules for forward capacity allocation
Energy markets
EFET response to the SWE TSOs consultation on a proposal for a common long-term capacity calculation methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to the CORE TSOs consultation on the design of forward transmission rights (introduction of FTR options)
Energy markets
EFET response to Italy North TSOs' survey on market participants' hedging needs
Energy markets
EFET response to the RTE/NGIC consultation on IFA allocation rules in case of hard Brexit
Energy markets
EFET response to consultation on LT capacity splitting rules on the Italy-Greece border
Energy markets
EFET response to the CORE TSOs survey on forward capacity allocation and possible capacity splitting
Energy markets
EFET response to 2018 CCR IT-GR Regional Specific Annex to EU HAR
Energy markets
EFET comments to the 2018 SWE Regional Specific Annex to EU HAR
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on the use of long-term transmission rights at the French borders
Energy markets
EFET response to JAO consultation on Rules for Forward Capacity Allocation on Swiss borders
Energy markets
Proposed EFET amendments to the Clean Energy Package: Forward markets and Capacity calculation
Energy markets
EFET comments on the Regulators decisions regarding the issuance of forward transmission rights at the Danish borders
Energy markets
EFET response to the AEEGSI consultation on long-term transmission rights, pursuant to the Forward Capacity Allocation Guideline
Energy markets
EFET response to the consultation regarding the consultations on the needs for cross-zonal risk hedging opportunities on Polish bidding zone borders
Energy markets
ANNEX_Calling for improvements of the firmness regime at the Italian borders
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy comments to the Italian Ministry on the draft FCA NC
Energy markets
EFET response to the CREG consultation on capacity reservation at the BE-NL border
Energy markets
Réponse EFET à la consultation de la CREG sur la répartition des capacités à la frontière BE-NL
Energy markets
EFET response to the CREG consultation on the introduction of FTRs at the Belgian borders
Energy markets
EFET comments to national governments on the FCA network code
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy discussion paper - Purpose and nature of CCC contracts
Energy markets
Key principles for transmission capacity rights (June 2006)
Energy markets
Transmission capacity rights: making firmness a reality (November 2008)
Energy markets
EFET paper on the issuance of forward transmission rights
Energy markets
EFET position on the re-submitted FCA network code
Energy markets
EFET reaction to the draft ACER discussion paper on firmness
Energy markets
EFET response to the CASC consultation on auction rules for the allocation of Long-Term PTRs (internal DK, DE-DK)
Energy markets
EFET comments to ACER on the draft FCA NC submitted by ENTSO-E on 1 October 2013
Energy markets
EFET response to the ACER consultation on Forward Risk-Hedging Products and Harmonisation of Long-Term Capacity Allocation Rules
Energy markets
Response to questionnaire to market participants on long-term hedging possibilities between the Nordic Region and continental Europe
Energy markets
EFET response to ERGEGs benchmarking report on medium and long-term electricity transmission capacity allocation rules
Energy markets
DPTR Appendix Nordic market
Energy markets
Dual purpose Transmission rights
Energy markets
Cross Border Allocation and Secondary Trading, Annex II Secondary Capacity Market
Energy markets
Harmonisation des pratiques d enchere, Ariba letter to RTE
Energy markets
Notes for facilitating a secondary market in transmission capacity rights
Energy markets
Secondary capacity rights market, letter to RTE
Energy markets
Ariba cross-border capacity auctions, Letter to RTE
Member Companies