Energy markets
Energy Traders Europe comments to the consulted tariff methodology in Austria
Energy markets
EFET response on the next tariff for use of the natural gas networks of GRTgaz and Teréga (ATRT8)
Energy markets
EFET comments on the next gas transmission tariff structure in France
Energy markets
EFET response to NTS Charging Discussion Document
Energy markets
EFET response to CRE on the modification of ATRT7, ATS2 and ATTM6 tariff methodologies
Energy markets
EFET reaction to the 2nd Austrian tariff methodology amendment
Energy markets
EFET reaction to the Austrian tariff methodology amendment
Energy markets
EFET comments on the Polish Tariff Methodology for 2023-24
Energy markets
EFET reaction to the 2022 GTS tariff proposal
Energy markets
EFET letter to the Slovak Authorities requesting transparency over the tariff setting methodology
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER's consultation on day-ahead and withinday multipliers
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on the modification of the ARTR7 tariff methodology
Energy markets
EFET comments on ACM's Draft Methodology Decision GTS 2022-2026
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on new tariffs for LNG terminals (ATTM6)
Energy markets
EFET reaction to the proposal to change Gas System Charges Ordinance's entry into force
Energy markets
EFET comments to the 2nd Amendment 2020 of the Gas System Charges Ordinance
Energy markets
EFET response to CNMC's second consultation on gas tariffs
Energy markets
EFET response to the Tariff consultation
Energy markets
EFET letter regarding the TSO allowed revenues in Austria
Energy markets
EFET preliminary response to the Austrian tariff consultation
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on the next tariff for gas transmission networks in France (ATRT 7)
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on the implementation of TAR NC and the next tariff structure (ATRT 7)
Energy markets
EFET response to the Austrian tariff consultation
Energy markets
EFET comments on the Slovak tariff consultation
Energy markets
EFET response to ARERA consultation 512/2018 on the TAR NC implementation
Energy markets
EFET response to ARERA DCO 557/2018 on the review of the TIWACC for 2019-2021
Energy markets
EFET comments to ERSE consultation on the implementation of EU NC Tariffs in Portugal
Energy markets
EFET response to consultation on the implementation of TAR NC in Italy
Energy markets
EFET intervention to ACER's event on TSO allowed revenues 08022018
Energy markets
EFET intervention to the 2nd TAR NC Implementation workshop
Energy markets
EFET comments to Minetad consultation on gas guarantees rules and access framework contract
Energy markets
EFET comments to the Quo Vadis modelling work
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to AEEGSI consultation n. 413/2017 on gas transportation tariffs
Energy markets
EFET comments to the preliminary Quo Vadis study report
Energy markets
EFET comments to the Preliminary Quo Vadis Report
Energy markets
EFET response to the consultation on the reference price methodology
Energy markets
EFET Comments to the Implementation Document for TAR NC (iDOC)
Energy markets
EFET intervention to the Quo Vadis study
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to AEEGSI consultation on gas transportation tariffs 2010-2013
Energy markets
EFET response to the consultation on government’s draft decree on the abolishment of regulated tariffs in Poland
Energy markets
EFET response to CRE consultation on regulated network and LNG terminal tariffs
Energy markets
EFET TF Italy response to consultation on gas transportation tariffs 2010-2013
Energy markets
EFET Response to the Tariff Network Code Stakeholder Support questionnaire
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on changes to ATRT5 tariffs in relation to the transitional measures before setting up a single PEG
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSOG consultation on Initial Draft Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas
Energy markets
25th Madrid Gas Forum - Joint Statement EFET-Eureletric-Eurogas-OGP re Inclusion of Capacity Reset Mechanism in the Tariff Network Code
Energy markets
EFET response to AEEG consultation on transportation tariffs
Energy markets
EFET letter to ACER on draft Framework Guidelines on Tariff Structures
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on draft Framework Guidelines on rules for harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas
Energy markets
EFET comments on revised draft of ACER Framework Guidelines on Tariff Structures
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER Consultation on Draft Framework Guidelines on Tariffs
Energy markets
EFET response to the questionnaire to market participants on long-term hedging possibilities between the Nordic Region and continental Europe
Energy markets
EFET Response to ACER Consultation on Scope and Main Policy Options for Framework Guidelines on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures
Member Companies