DSM, storage and retail market
Energy markets
Energy Traders Europe response to ACER consultation on demand response
Energy markets
EFET response to the DGEC consultation on a post-ARENH framework in France
Energy markets
EFET response to ENTSO-E and EU DSO consultation on the network code on demand response
Energy markets
Joint letter to implement the Electricity Market Design
Energy markets
EFET response to ACER consultation on the draft framework guidelines on demand response
Energy markets
EFET Response to MITECO Consultation on Energy Storage strategy
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE consultation on amendments to the ARENH framework agreement (Force Majeure provisions)
Energy markets
EFET response to MITECO consultation on the storage strategy
Energy markets
EFET response to the French Energy Ministry consultation on the reform of the ARENH framework
Energy markets
EFET position paper on the ownership and operation of storage assets
Energy markets
EFET response to the CRE survey on battery storage
Energy markets
EFET response to the DGEC consultation on possible evolutions of the ARENH mechanism
Energy markets
Joint EFET, Eurelectric, Europex and Wind Europe statement on regulated retail prices
Energy markets
EFET reaction the RTE RINGO project (use of batteries for congestion management)
Energy markets
Proposed EFET amendments to the Clean Energy Package: Role, responsibility and governance of DSOs
Energy markets
EFET response to the CEER consultation on the use of flexibility at distribution level
Energy markets
EFET position paper on the roles and responsibilities of DSOs, particularly regarding access to electricity storage
Energy markets
EFET EUROPEX EURELECTRIC Joint statement on Demande Side Response
Energy markets
EFET response to the CREG consultation on facilitating the emergence of demand-side response
Member Companies